Meet Us

Sommer and Sarah. Two girls who thought changing their bodies would be easy and fun. Welp...maybe not so easy but we are definitely going to have some fun. After we introduce ourselves, please follow our 90 day journey. Our goal is to reach out and inspire you and give out helpful tips while also keeping ourselves motivated. We are not perfect and are prepared to embrace all the bumps, bruises, hiccups, and meltdowns that these next 90 days have to offer! 

About Sommer-

Helllo! My name is Sommer and I am a 26 year old proud momma of 2 beautiful girls who you will probably be hearing a lot about through out these 90 days. My quilty pleasure include sushi and jizake, red wine, all reality shows, and spoiling my little girls. I’ve never been super into athletics and working out but about 2 years ago I fell in love with Hot Yoga. While I love hot yoga, the idea of being in a 110 degree room with 50 percent humidity during the summer to work out is just not appealing. So when Sarah begged me to do this program with her I saw it as a good opportunity to switch things up. I am not so much interested in losing weight but more about getting “shredded”. Thanks so much for stopping by!

About Sarah-
A 22 year old former collegiate Athlete who is now trying to figure out what the real world is all about. Lover of all baked goods, bottomless glasses of Chardonnay, doggies, fun ways to exercise, and being with the people I love. Unfortunately after 18 years of sports, endless amounts of trying the latest diets, and about 10 hours a week at the gym I still have not reached my ideal body shape so I have enlisted Tracy Anderson to get my bootay into shape!!

If you have any questions, tips, strategies, hints, or experiences that you would like to be featured on this blog please feel free to email us at

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to hearing about your experience on the 90 day Metamorphosis. Just wanted to say that even without following the diet, you will have results! Good luck.
