July 14, 2011

Days 7 and 8 and the Joy of Working out With Kids

Days 7 and 8 of L1 mat video have gotten increasingly better as we get used to the routine. When we first started it seemed like the video would never end. Now….its flies by. We are slowly mastering each move and have finally mastered how man reps are in each step.  So it does get better and you don’t feel like such a fool.

Sophia (3 years old) attempting the leg lifts

A word to the wise: do not expect your 3 and 4 year old to sit on a couch for 30 minutes and keep themselves  entertained while you try and do the video. IT WILL NOT WORK unless you have some sort of super human alien child. On days 6 and 7 we tried everything. We gave them board games, baby dolls, food, juice, and as a last resort Iphones. It starts out GREAT. You get through the arms and half way through the abs when you start to hear tiny footsteps right behind you and then BAM you push that beautiful child over while doing your leg exercises. Then they want to do it with you (which I must say is pretty adorable)… Then comes the “mommy I need water” “I have to go potty” “I need lotion” “Ill be right back”. While they are the cutest things in the entire world, no matter what you say or how many times you pause the video you will not get through it until that adorable 3 foot toddler wins and you are forced to turn it off. We finally figured it out on Day 8 that its best when those cute little girls are sound asleep in bed.  It was nice and quiet and it allowed us to focus on how much our hiney’s and little muffin tops were burning

Work out tips for days 1-10
  1. The best way to not feel like such a goon on the first day of the workout is to watch it all the way through before you actually do it so you know what to expect.
  2. Also,when pre-watching count out loud the reps because she will not guide when to switch to the next moves. Everything is usually in reps of 4 and 8.
  3. Work out with little distraction so you can really focus 
  4. The standing abs are tricky, we thought we were doing them right until we looked in the mirror and saw we look completely different. Practice in the mirror first so you know what it feels like when you do it right.   
  5. If you don’t feel it in your legs you are not doing it right. Make sure you get the right angles and push as far up and out as you can
  6. Keep your arms locked or as straight as you can when doing the legs. It will help your balance fo’ sho
  7. If on the first couple days you feel like your wrists and neck are going to break and give out when doing the leg section (like I did), I promise you it wont. By the 4th day you don’t even notice  
  8.  BIGGEST TIP: Count on your own. Obviously were not going to go as fast and as perfect as Tracy or else we would look like her. Count each rep out loud so you don’t lose count and if TA has already moved on just pause the video until you finish
Like we repeatedly say we are not perfect. Anyone else have tips on the standing Abs??


  1. Awesome blog and great tips!!! My only standing abs tip is what she already said, make it feel like you're trying to wriggle out of something. That's when I really feel it. :) The standing abs get faster in the coming levels.

    I am doing abcentric, just finished level 3 today, and have a beautiful rest day tomorrow! I did my measurements today and I'm down 7.4 pounds and 8 inches.

    Thanks for following my blog http://banginbody.blogspot.com
    I really appreciate it!!!

    Keep on TAMmin'!

  2. This is helpful! Thank you. Just started today and feel less overwhelmed after reading your blog. thanks!

  3. Er... you should NOT keep your arms locked.

  4. Well what we found was when we bent our arms we kept moving to much and were constantly losing our balance. When telling ourselves keep our arms straight or keep our arms locked we found we had much better composure through out the moves. But hey if it doesn't work for you then that's okay :)
