July 22, 2011

A Yummy Detox? Yup its Out There!

So I have been researching Detox’s for a long time and I have to say the thought of just juice has always gave me the eeby-jeebys. I stumbled upon Gwyneth  Paltrow’s detox on her website Goop.com (which is uhh-mazing) and I was surprised to find she actually shows the recipes!

Why I love it? It HAS FOOD! It incorporates food with juices that will help rid your body and the recipes actually look delicious!  It’s a great help for those who want to make just a  “clean” meal or who are looking for a detox that doesn't make them shiver :)

Over the next couple weeks I am going to test out each recipe so when I finally decide to do it I can alter it to my taste.I made the Super Greens Juice for dinner last night. It was very tasty EXCEPT for the ginger. If you love that spicy taste leave it in, if not I would opt out

As Gwen would say "Health in a glass"

(serves 1)
·         1 cup tightly packed kale
·         4 stalks celery
·         1 1/2 pears, cut into large pieces
·         1" piece of fresh ginger
·         1/2 lemon, zest and pith removed

Juice everything into a glass, being sure to alternate the kale with the other ingredients to help it get through the juicer easily. Give the juice a stir before drinking.

For a printable version of this recipe and all the rest click HERE.
Don’t forget to give Gwen some love too :)

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