July 17, 2011

Work Out Going Strong...Diet Not So Much

Oh man. Well I would highly suggest not starting this diet right after you graduate college and are about to have a huge grad party. Lets just say Saturday nights extravaganza pretty much messed up all the hard work of the juicing diet. Who could resist homemade BBQ, authentic mac n' cheese, and s'mores after a week of baby food. Even tho I went in with mind set that I won't eat any thing besides the smoked chicken and veggies I am a 22 year old human and after 2 glasses of wine (which will get you buzzed incredibly quick after a liquid diet) my strict food plan went right out the window. I woke up Sunday very disappointed in myself. Was it worth it? Probably not. But it's all trial and error.

So today Monday July 18th I am making an oath to myself to eat according to the diet for 14 days no matter what comes in my way. It's only 14 days of my life and maybe small goals will be much easier to accomplish than one long (90 day goal).

Things to remember when getting off track
1. Its not the end of the world. Self guilt is a horrible little bugger that can eat away at you so forgive yourself and promise to do better next time
2. Recognize the triggers that made you eat bad and remind yourself to not surround yourself around them until your mentally strong enough to resist the temptation
3. Learn that you do have the ability to enjoy small luxuries yet not get carried away. Have a bite of the cheesecake instead of an entire slice
4. Physically speak out loud when you know your eating when your full or something you shouldn't. Things like "I don't really need you I am just bored" or "I am full and don't want to wake up tomorrow with regret" are powerful statements when spoken out loud that can alter your judgment. It's almost like once you say it out loud you are able to move on rather than just constantly thinking about whether or not you should go back for another helping
5. Try and stay as active as possible. Clean, walk your dog, go for a run, read a book, call an old
Friend and catch up, water the plants. Anything to get your mind focused off food.

I know it's so much easier said than done. Trust me if I was doing them all the time this post wouldn't be written. All I can do is try again. Once I stop trying is when I have truly failed.


  1. Aside from the slip up are you seeing any results?

  2. Honestly the biggest result right now is the number on the scale. Its gone from 137 to 130. I havent seen a huge impact on my body yet. However, there have been 2 times in my life where i have lost dramatic amounts of weight and I didnt really see results until about 2 weeks after I shed the pounds so I am hoping it will be the same case. Are you doing the program??

  3. Im getting it tomorrow but Im going to start on Monday and I'm going to follow the diet. Wow 7 pounds that's awesome. I'm at 137 now so hopefully ill get results too! Im going into my second year of college and want to get rid of my freshman 10 lol! But I do kind of wish I got hipcentric instead of omni:/ keep up the good work!

  4. I started at 141 and I've been doing abcentric for about 2 weeks, not really following the diet. I've been too scared to weigh myself! I know I'm toning up, but I went to a wedding and have had wine here and there. I think I'll weigh myself in a week or so...

  5. Kayla- If you are following the diet no matter what you do you WILL lose weight. No matter the DVD you are going to see results. Im pulling for you for the diet. It can be kind of tough but if I can do it for 6 days you can do it! Keep me updated on your progress :)
    Yoona- Weighing can be scary but I have noticed that if I weigh myself every other day it keeps me on track. Sometimes you think you are eating great and then you weigh in and its not what you wanted. Good luck!

  6. Yes...I will weigh myself this Friday to see my progress! Trying to lose 15 lbs. That's my goal for the summer. :)
